1. Processing Time:
- Orders will be processed within 1-2 business days from the date of purchase.
2. Shipping Methods:
- We offer standard and expedited shipping options.
- Shipping carriers may include Pos Laju, J&T Express and Grab express.
3. Shipping Costs:
- Shipping costs are calculated at checkout based on the destination and selected shipping method.
4. Estimated Delivery Time:
- Standard shipping: 1-7days
- Expedited shipping: 1-7days
5. International Shipping:
- We offer international shipping with varying delivery times based on the destination.
6. Order Tracking:
- Customers will receive a tracking number via email once the order has been shipped.
7. Delays:
- In the event of unforeseen circumstances or delays, we will promptly communicate with customers to provide updates.
8. Address Accuracy:
- Customers are responsible for providing accurate shipping information. Any additional shipping charges due to incorrect addresses will be the customer's responsibility.
9. Customs and Duties (for international orders):
- Customers are responsible for any customs duties or taxes incurred.
10. Lost or Stolen Packages:
- We are not responsible for lost or stolen packages. Please contact the shipping carrier for assistance.
11. Returns Due to Non-Delivery:
- If a package is returned due to non-delivery, additional shipping charges may apply for reshipment.
12. Contact Information:
- For any shipping-related inquiries, please contact our customer service at [email protected] or WhatsApp us at +60175238893.